
Go through the motions

昨天上課時 班上的同學用了一個很不錯的慣用語 (idiom) --go through the motions.

"go through the motions" means "to do something because you are expected to do it and not because you want to" as well as "to do something without believing it is important." (The Free Dictionary)

例如:After his wife died, he went through the motions of living, without feeling much of anything. (在他喪妻後,他一直假裝活著,對所有事情都沒啥感受。) (The Free Dictionary)


"For these two years I've been going through the motions of enjoying the relationship with my girlfriend whenever we go for a date."



3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

hi teacher this is megamn

i find ur blog~~

start of three days ago i use my blog in english~~


this is my website

see u around ~~

匿名 提到...

Dear Megan

I'm so glad you share your blog with me. It's so good!
I'll spend more time checking it out!
Keep writing in English and you'll be better and better.


匿名 提到...

正愁going through the motions of living是什麼意思,還好看到您的文章,感謝!不知在這例句裡譯成"行屍走肉"行不行?